A1B4 - Player's Handbook

Create your hero and play with your friends.

The Alba Nova Player's handbook is a tabletop role-playing game where three or more people embody their heroes in a story narrated by a Game Master (GM). Dive into hundreds of live or online adventures! Create your character sheet and customize your hero in every detail.

Experience hundreds of adventures, level up, and uncover political intrigues in the five kingdoms of A1B4.

Embark on this blend of science fiction, fantasy, and magic. Will you become a hero? Or do you wish to side with evil? Anything is possible.


Experience the most diverse adventures by defeating enemies, exploring ruins, solving puzzles, and customizing your character in a way never seen before.

Choose from over fifty available races, create the skills, magic, and powers your hero will use in and out of combat!

The Alba Nova manual consists of 290 color pages with over 100 original illustrations and a character sheet complete in every facet.

The game rules are unique in their kind. Character creation allows you to modify even the smallest detail! There are more than 50 races, 40+ weapons, 70+ professions, and over 25,000 possible combinations of abilities and powers.

A1b4's motto is: "if you can think it, you can create it".

Play with a group of friends, online or live. Starting the first adventure is easy and fast, thanks to the quick creation of a level 1 character sheet.

Invent unwritten abilities and propose them to the team at info@albanovagdr.it; your "very own power" could be included in the additional pages downloadable in the Personal Area section.

A1b4 Player's Handbook - English Preview

The player's handbook is the starting point for beginning to role-play. It contains all the rules for creating one's hero, developing their abilities, and the character's growth in all its facets. It describes to the GM how to set up the narration, combats, enemies, and serves as a guideline to follow for the construction of the game world.

0.00 €

Manuale del giocatore di A1B4 [Italiano] - PDF

Il manuale del giocatore è la base di partenza per iniziare a giocare di ruolo. Contiene tutte le regole per creare il proprio eroe, lo sviluppo delle sue capacità e la crescita del personaggio in tutte le sue sfaccettature. Descrive al GM come impostare la narrazione, i combattimenti, i nemici ed è una linea guida da seguire per la costruzione del mondo di gioco. Il mondo di A1B4 ha una storia affascinante che mixa elementi del classico fantasy con un panorama iper-futuristico caduto in rovina, che porterà i giocatori ed il GM a riflettere sulle loro azioni, esplorare intricate rovine, cimentarsi in sfide e scontri avvincenti. Il pacchetto comprende: Manuale del giocatore di A1B4 (Digital version PDF) - Comprensivo di 290 pagine a colori ed extra.

24.90 €

    A1B4 x Roll20

    A1B4 character's Sheet is avaliable in HTML on Roll20

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    Check the D20 Tips

    In every respectable role-playing game, especially if it's of the fantasy genre, sooner or later the group of adventurers will encounter a curse. Whether it's because of an object chained to a dark altar, smeared with pitch-black runes, hastily picked up by the character of the moment, or because of an enemy cursing "dishonor on you, your house,...

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